Mumsnet best - First bikes - Likeabike - Jumper
Chcielibyśmy się pochwalić, że jeden z naszych ulubionych rowerków biegowych – amortyzowany LIKEaBIKE Jumper dostał wyróżnienie “Mumsnet Best” w brytyjskim serwisie Mumsnet skupiającym opinie o produktach dla dzieci i porady dla młodych rodziców.
Product reviews > Mumsnet best - First bikes - Likeabike - Jumper*
Poniżej opinie*, które przyczyniły się do otrzymania “mumsnet best” przez LIKEaBIKE Jumper!
We bought one when our son was 2.5 and still use at 4. Excellent make, lightweight, stylish and great fun! […] Will be moving onto proper bike soon and I think there will be no need for stabilizers, well that’s the idea anyway. […] Highly recommend.
Koumak on 14-Jan-09 15:52 Overall rating 10.0
excellent – turns heads and my son was straight on a bike without stabilisers at 3 and a half.
Anon on 29-Mar-08 15:27 Overall rating 9.5
Incredibly lightweight first bike with suspension. Son started on it at 2.5 and at 3.5 moved to a real bike (no trainers). Raced around everywhere on it, took it on public transport, easy to put on handles of buggy. Expensive but used so much and still looks as new. Will last for many more children!
Anon on 28-Feb-08 22:28 Overall rating 10.0
Beautifully designed little aluminium balance bike. It is ultra lightweight, has a comfy seat and is very easily adjustable […] It still looks as good as the day we bought it, so although expensive was a real investment buy.
pootleflump on 17-Feb-08 22:47 Overall rating 9.5
Fabulous! We bought this product for our daughter when she was around 3 and a half and she took to it very quickly. I preferred it to the wooden likeabikes as I thought it more stylish and also more hardwearing. It is made of aluminium, so light and hardwearing. We are confident that it will be used by all three of our children and still have life in it to be passed on to friends.
Jadhfiow on 14-Feb-08 23:09 Overall rating 10.0
* stan na 2009.10
Tagi wpisu: deuter Deuter Ultra Bike miesięcznik Dziecko plecak pomysł na prezent